L’Agulhas is the southernmost town in Africa. Being located at the very tip of the legendary foot of Africa, it is a prime tourist destination. The koppie behind the Cape Agulhas Lighthouse offers a panoramic view of the point where the Atlantis and Indian Oceans meet, and of passing ships. In the shallow coastal gullies near the Lighthouse, the remains of ancient fish traps – made by packing layers of rocks around the pools where the original Khoe khoe inhabitants collected their fish – still be seen. Southernmost tip: Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. Exact location marked by cairn. Cape Agulhas Lighthouse: Second oldest working lighthouse in South Africa. Erected in 1848 and restored in 1988 to original plan. Built in Pharos style. Restaurant and Lighthouse museum. Wreck of Meisho Maru 38: Still visible from shore 4km west of L’Agulhas.
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| Address: | Suidpunt Tourism Bureau PO Box 51 Bredasdorp, 7280 | Municipality:
| 028-425 1919 | Police:
| 028 - 424 1155 | |