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ImageStruisbaai is situated just four kilometers from Cape L'Agulhus (the southern most tip of Africa, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet). The beach here is exquisite, with an almost subtropical feel. The water is crystal clear and its brilliant colour is exaggerated by the colourful boats which reside in the harbour. There is a lovely little seafood restaurant at the harbour where you can dine on some freshly caught fish whilst watching the picturesque scene of the locals bartering with fishermen for their daily catch.

History of Struisbaai 


Struisbaai is believed to have gotten its name from one of three sources. “Straw bay” - because of the thatched roofs of the fisherman's cottages. “Struisvogel”, meaning ostrich, or named after an old Dutch word meaning “huge” - in reference to the size of the beach.There is a 24km sandy coastline extending from Struisbaai to Arniston, named Struisbaaiplaat (believed to be the longest uninterrupted beach in the Southern Hemisphere).

This region will soon be home to the Prayer Park for Africa which will be developed before the 2010 World Cup. A five hectare garden for spiritual contemplation dedicated to South Africans and her visitors who wish to pray for this country and her well being.

More stories on Struisbaai:

Struisbaai (by SJ du Toit)


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Bredasdorp, 7280
028-425 1919
028 - 424 1155