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Greyton - Juweel van die Overberg PDF Print E-mail

03/02/2007 (SA)   Maretha Naudé - Johannesburg    
ImageVat koers deur die Rûensveld op pad na Caledon en daar lê hy, in die voue van die Riviersonderendberge.
Greyton. Juweel van die Overberg, spog die inwoners.
As jy kan, los jou motor by die dorpspoorte, want hier drentel die koeie dikwels lui-lui die hoofstraat af en is ’n donkiekar die inwoners se voorkeur-vervoermiddel. Ouwêrelds. Ongeskonde, byna. Dit lyk kompleet of die tyd vergeet het om sy tande hier in te slaan. Plek-plek ploeg mense nog met osse op laslappies grond en word tuine nou nog uit die breë leivore natgelei.


Walk the walk in Greyton PDF Print E-mail

Sign in GreytonThere are 10 short fynbos walks and a historic village walk in Greyton.

Be careful walking around the narrow, shady lanes of Greyton. If the upmarket 4x4s don't get you, the plethora of arts and crafts shops, coffee shops and beckoning B&Bs just might.

Greyton was founded as an "agricultural village" by Herbert Vigne in 1854. Vigne thought he might attract valuable patronage by naming it after the Cape Governor of the day, Sir George Grey.

Sadly for Herbert, the town remained largely ignored until the 1970s. Then apartheid moved out the coloured residents and the city estate agents moved in. There's more interesting history in Greyton - Founded 1854, published by the Greyton Conservation Society and available for a few rand from the tourism bureau. The booklet is essential reading if you want to get the most out of Greyton and its walks.

Oom Sakkie and the roses ... PDF Print E-mail

ImageIt is generally accepted that there would be no rose fair in Greyton, without Sakkie Buys.  It would be hard to find anyone, who is even prepared to give it what this 80+ year old does. His wife, Ilse, supportive helpmate, secretary and personal assistant, stays quietly in the background, but she, too, goes those extra miles for what has become one of the Overberg’s main tourist attractions.


History of Bredasdorp PDF Print E-mail

Bredasdorp, South Africa’s first  “-dorp” was established by Michiel van Breda in 1838, and today forms the economic hub of the Suidpunt region.  Van Breda and other leading personality, Pieter Voltelyn van der Byl, could not agree where the Church should be built, and two towns, Bredasdorp and Napier, were established in 1838.

The population of this predominantly agricultural area is about 20 000.  Notwithstanding its typical rural atmosphere, all essential services are available in Bredasdorp.  The establishment of Denel’s missile test range (OTB) and the SA Air Force’s Test Flight and Development Centre (TFDC) in the mid-eighties near Waenhuiskrans/Arniston, and the movement of the Overberg District Council’s Head Office to Bredasdorp, accelerated the development of the town.

Audrey Blignault:  Furnished in honour of Audrey Blignault who was born in Bredasdorp and who enjoys national recognition as a writer, especially on the Bredasdorp area.  This room forms part of the Shipwreck Museum.

Foot of Africa Room:  Commemorative Room for the historical records of the famous Foot of Africa Marathon.  The 25th marathon took place in 2002.  This room forms part of the Tourism Bureau Complex.

Shipwreck Museum:  Unique world-renowned museum with artifacts and furniture from ships wrecked along our coast in years gone by.  The biggest collection of bottles in South Africa is also housed in the Museum.

Churches:  Imposing Dutch Reformed Church (1911) – An impressive example of Cape-Gothic style architecture.  Beautiful oak pulpit.  Reformed Church (1996) Plantation Street – Furnishings from early 1900 churches.  The pulpit, bell, organ and hand-carved door are all special.  Contact the Verger at 028 424 1832.  Anglican Church (All Saints) (1861) – Beautiful little stone church, designed by Sophie Gray.  Stained glass windows.

Heuningberg Nature Reserve:  A must for nature lovers and birders.  Offers various 2-15km walking routes in the mountain.  Top end of Van Riebeeck Street.

Merino Statue:  Erected in honour of the merino sheep which brought fame to this area, due to careful breeding by Michiel van Breda on this historic farm, Zoetendals Vallei, early in the last century.  At the entrance to BNK Landbou, Swellendam Road. 

The History of Elim PDF Print E-mail

Elim in the Strandveld is a Moravian Mission Station established in 1824.  German missionaries brought the Gospel here and also taught the people various trades and skills.  This picturesque town has changed little over the years and, until this day, only members of the Moravian Church, and the water-mill, are some of the many national heritage sites in this charming little village.  The big thatched church is the pivot of all the streets in the town and visitors are welcome to join worship on Sundays.  Accommodation is available in a comfortable B&B.

Water Mill:  This old water mill, built in 1833 and restored in 1990, has the largest wooden water wheel in South Africa, and is again grinding wheat as in days of yore.

Slave Monument (1938):  Commemorates in the liberation of slaves in the Cape.

Bakery:  Delicious baked goods can be baked at the bakery.

Geelkop Nature Reserve:  Elim is famous for its extremely rare dwarf Elim fynbos.  Gentle day walks with beautiful views.

Annual Flower Show:  A fynbos flower show is held annually.   

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