Huge Waves Pummel Hermanus

The trawler Lorelei which sunk at the New Harbour
The trawler Lorelei which sunk at the New Harbour
This last week has seen the largest waves hitting Hermanus in 50 years!

A combination of Spring Tide and Gale Force winds caused massive swells, estimated to reach up to 9 meters, to hammer into the pier at the New Harbour on Saturday and Sunday. The fishing trawler Lorelei sank in the harbour near her moorings and the new Southern Right Charter's boat was also damaged.


Sadly, lots of our heritage was also destroyed by the torrid waves at the Old Harbour. All the old fishing boats have been washed away and half of the gutting tables used by fishermen were also shattered and washed away by the tide.


Waves breaking over the Pier at the New Harbour
Waves breaking over the Pier at the New Harbour
Areas badly damaged by the tide are the Beach Club, where seven houses were damaged by relentless waves depositing rocks and debris into the houses. Whale Rock Estate was also hard hit by the storm. In Zwelihle many homes were flooded and about 40 people had to seek refuge in the local community hall.

Maintenance work is going to take months and the total storm damage is in the millions. Living where we do, on the oceans doorstep, it is no surprise that we will feel the powerful hand of Mother Nature. Two lives were lost during the storm.