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Ubuntu Cultural Tours

7200, Hermanus,
Western Cape,
South Africa
Telephone: +27 ( 0) 73-214 6949

Ubuntu Cultural Tours presents an opportunity for tourists to gain an insight into Township life to experience "Ubuntu" the traditional  African Hospitality .You will visit the traditional healer, shebeen ( township bar) Handcraft training Center .

Zwelihle a township established in the Overberg Region . It came into being 1962 to house black who were forcibly evicted through the former government policies of dumping black people in areas remote from the cities .

Religious tours visit several different church services in our township and experience the beautiful and moving sound of church choirs music.


Listing Information
Hits: 5946
Added: 2007-06-19 17:00:30
Last updated: 2007-06-21 12:01:49